Tuesday 26 February 2019

Shoe shop

Hi everyone,

Some weeks ago I designed a shoe shop. What do you think?

 The cashier

 Childrens corner

Oh, those satin benches......

 There are no roof, I know, I know! :-)

The window and street view

Thanks for coming by
Have a lovely day!

Lights and shadows

Without light there can’t be shadows, right?

We were modelling a simple room. Its so interesting to see how lights are coming through windows and how shadows work. 
Shadows are caused by something blocking light from going straight. The sun cast shadows which change dramatically through the day. 

Such a small work and huge experience. Thanks Katri. :-)

Have a lovely day.

Designing my first coffee shop

Dear Reader,

If everything goes well next year I will be an official interior designer. The way is still challenging, but that´s fine. Choosing the right materials and colors takes time.
We experiments with the designs. Every time we have new plan to work on, new site to visit with different challenges, we learn from every project we take and we grow better and better and we become creative and creative by time. We don’t have to follow anyone’s rules. Its our design we can implement our own ideas.
We are our own boss. An interior designer rules in his business. :-)

Let me show you my first coffee shop I designed. Topic supposed to be "real Finnish". Getting customers in the door is just the beginning. How you choose to design your coffee shops interior is equally important. From your choice of color scheme, artwork and wall decor, to the counter, dining area, seating area, display cases, menu board, restrooms, your entire coffee shop. Choose materials, colors, and lighting that creates your desired mood. That is what I did. Actually I pretty like the result. :-) forgive me for that :-) 

Thanks for stopping by. Have a lovely creative day! Zsu